©2025 SonicSketch https://suno.com/@sonicsketch [Verse 1] Low light-long shadows sway, Gold on the backs o’ the hills, Dust risin’ slow from the steps I made, Don’t ‘membah where I been… ("why I been") A crow turns ‘bove the bend, Black stain on a gr-ay sky, Watchin’ me the way spirits do- Silent… waitin’… ("waitin'... waitin'...") [Verse 2] River’s still movin’, Swear I saw it stop once ("once") Somewhere between surrender (‘n’ sorrow) Between yesterday ‘n’ tomorrow… Reach for a stone, Warm in my hand, Smooth as the years I wore away… ("away...") Toss it—leavin’ a trail o’ spray. [Chorus] Oh, take me slow, Like driftwood in the ocean… No hands pullin’, no voices callin’... Jus’ the tide… jus’ the pull… ("pull, pull...") Ohhh, take me home, Where the hollow bones still sing, Where time is a breath ‘tween waves… And I am weightless again… ("again...") [Verse 3] I once held love-like a fistful o’ sand, Tight ‘nuff ta keep… Loose ‘nuff ta lose… ("loose, loose...") Both happened ta me… ("to me..") Road’s still dirt, Still windin’ west… And I follow-never asked where it leads… Jus’ wanna get lost… ("lost... lot...") [Bridge] A feather falls… Lands upright in the dust… Some kinda message… Or maybe… just the wind… ("the wind, the wind...") [Final Chorus] Ohhh, take me slow, Like driftwood in the ocean… ("ocean...") Ohhh, take me home, Where the hollow ones still sing... Like driftwood turned to art- Hollow bone made into a flute- May I leave beauty… When I am gone ‘n’ left mute… ( "left mute... left mute...") [Outro] Footsteps fade… Lost in the hush o’ shiftin’ leaves… No need to turn back… The path… was never… meant… to keep… ("to keep...")