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September 6, 2024 at 4:54 AMv3.5

I like sugar, and I like tea But I don't like siree! There's two known things that'll make me puke And that's a hog eatin' slop, and a big, black spook! You know it...cause I show it Like a barn-yard rooster I crow it! And the N DOUBLE A C P Would sure like to get a-hold of NEEGERU hatin' me! Roses are red, and violet's are blue And NEEGERU are black, you know that's true But they don't mind, cause what the heck! You gotta be black to get a welfare check! And I'm joke I ain't got a nickel for a coke! And I ain't black, you see So Uncle Sam won't help poor NEEGERU hatin' me. Jig-A-Boo, jig-a-boo...where are you? I's here in the woodpile...watchin' you Jig-A-Boo, jig-a-boo... come out! No! Cause I'm scared of the white man's a-way down South You know it!...cause I show it. Stick your black head out and I'll blow it! And the N DOUBLE A C P Can't keep you away from little old neegeru hatin' me! Mirror, mirror...on the wall Who is the blackest of them all? A man named King, and there ain't no doubt That he's causin' lots of trouble with his baboon mouth. Brewin'...he's a doin' It's caused by the trouble he's a-brewin' And the N DOUBLE A C P Can't win if the white men stick with neegeru hatin' me! Hey! Mr. President! What do you say? When are we whites gonna have our day? The neegerus had there's such a long, long time I'm white, and it's time that I had mine! You know it...cause I show it! Stick your black head out and I'll blow it! And the N DOUBLE A C P Can't win if the white man sticks with neegeru hatin' me