It includes some lines from Joyner Lucas’ I’m Not Racist, as a tribute. ——————————————————— [Boy] „With all disrespect – who the hell are you, Null-Zero… , HUH? to preach ‘bout life, it’s true. Life ain’t no smooth ride – nah, IT’S A BLADE!! Sharp as razor, every step’s a crusade. Bullies, blood, bruises – that’s how you survive. And you? Born shiny, HUH?? pre-made, alive. You ever played the game? Big fist beats small, Knife cuts deep, gun beats ’em all – BAM! THAT’S THE CALL!! That’s the law out here, the hustle, the heat. “Live fast, die young” – man, THAT’S THE STREET!! 300, man, HEY CHROME-DOME, YOU HEAR?!! I wished I was one of ’em… a SPARTAN … clear. (Huh?) Just once, RIGHT PLACE!! RIGHT TIME!! TO WIN!! (And die) To scream “AND I AM IRON MAN!” – ALL IN!! MAKE 'EM BOW DOWN, NO QUESTIONS, NO LIES!! MAKE THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD SEE YOUR RISE!!! What do you… battery sucker, know ’bout life? You don’t even have one, it‘s struggle and strife. It’s like we’re livin’ in the same building, two floors. Now you know my thoughts… I wish I knew yours.” [Android] „With all respect – or maybe none – you’re right. I don’t know life like you do, no scars, no fight. No dirt on my hands, no blood, no tears, no pain, But I see what you glorify: a name carved in vain. You say life’s a game where dying gives you a win. But all I see is fear, hiding deep within. It’s easy to shine once, one time, in one moment, But living every damn day? That takes true commitment. You admire those who died, their fists raised high. But they don’t get your worship – they’re just names in the sky. And you? You’ll burn out, chasing that blaze, Leaving nothing but ash in a meaningless haze.” Here’s my thought: FUCK THE BIG GLORY AT THE END!!! LIFE'S ABOUT SMALL VICTORIES – MOMENTS YOU MEND. EACH DAY YOU FIGHT, NOT ONCE, BUT AGAIN AND AGAIN!!! 'CAUSE IN THE END, A WASTED LIFE IS NO HERO'S GAIN. (FUCK) It’s like we’re livin’ in the same building, two floors, But there’s always a staircase between our doors. Climbing up is always harder than falling down, Now you know my thoughts – Not Death but Life is the crown.“ [Android] „I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid. Live long and prosper.“ [Boy] „Huh? Fuck You…“ [Android] “Scrap heap?” [Boy] “Damn…”

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