[This version of the song was a modified free-form poem. The next version is much more modified to sound better as a song. This is a clearer representation of the intent of the song, however. I hope it speaks to you, too.] I built a house inside your silence hung pictures on walls you never saw sat on your front porch waiting for a knock that never came I carried your name in my teeth chewed through the weight of your absence but you— you just let the days rot on your tongue Tell me, do the echoes keep you company? The ones I left knocking at your door? Or did you bury them too beneath all the things you never said? Your bastard heart— a wild thing chained to shadows too proud to crawl toward the light I planted roots for us, but you wouldn’t even water the dirt Now I’m done waiting for your bastard heart Your living room smelled like dust and half-made promises the kind that linger like stale smoke in an ashtray I showed up for the wreckage, you didn’t even show up for the spark How many times did I text your ghost? Scream into the hollow of your name? Tell me, do you see what you’ve become? A fading photograph of what could be I tried to frame us in forever but you disappeared from the scene Your bastard heart— a wild thing chained to shadows too proud to crawl toward the light I planted roots for us, but you wouldn’t even water the dirt Now I’m done waiting for your bastard heart I’ll walk away barefoot leave shards of you in the cracks of my soul Let the rain wash me clean of the years I spent believing you’d show up like I did Your bastard heart— may it keep its stubborn beat in a hollow where I no longer stand I’ll plant roots in richer soil where love knows how to grow Goodbye to your bastard heart