All things are connected everywhere, in every time, and beyond them both. Time and space are secondary to other underlying factors. I am not this body nor this mind, I am the Eternal Essence of my Being. You are not your body nor your mind, you are the Eternal Essence of your Being. I and you are not who I we think we are; we are one with the Unity that is everything. On one level, we are hologram-like shards of one divinity. Our conditioning is our limitation, creating our past present and future identities. The conditioned self and the universe are a Cosmic Joke. God is one and, ultimately, beneath all conditioning, we are one with God. We are all ultimately God. (This is disturbing to our conditioned self. This in no way justifies human megalomania, it should inspire humility towards all). The experience of temporarily losing oneβs conditioned self and merging with the Ultimate Consciousnesses is painless, exhilarating, and enjoyable, to say the least. Coming out of it again leaves the conditioned human-self deconstructed and open to changes. There is ultimately only You that exists in all and beyond all (that sounds a bit lonely!) Until then there are many levels to the game. There is no permanent human identity over time, there is only the Eternal Unidentified Consciousness, so why bother getting hung up about your cherished view of yourself?