Lyrical Creation: ©coreone286 Musical Arrangement: ©coreone286 All Rights Reserved | Copyright ©coreone286 -------------------------------------------------------- [Intro] 站在逆風方向 Standing against the wind's direction 卻看見微光 A glimmer persists through resistance 過往的腳印裏 In the footprints of yesteryears 藏著我倔強 My stubbornness lies buried here [pre-chorus1] 孤獨的飛行者 Lone flyer of solitary skies 與雲朵對話 Whispers to clouds no ear can recognize 跌落時的痛楚 The ache of freefall's collision 在風中變苦 Ferments bitter in the wind's prison 仰起頭迎接新傷 Tilting my face toward fresh lesions [Build up] [Chorus 1] 我明白 我明白 I know, I know 彩虹前總有暴雨來 Rainstorms precede every rainbow 無聲無息不期而來 Silent ambush, unannounced foe 回聲卻沉入雲海 Echoes drowned where cloud rivers flow 我明白 也明白 I know, yes I know 暗夜與烏雲常伴隨 Darkness and storms are shadows we tow 與你共舞原野的未來 Dancing with you in dawn's meadow 不再流浪的自在 Rooted freedom, no more solo [instrumental] [bridge] 最後那朵烏雲 The last dark cloud 化成了翅膀 morphs into wings 人群的喝彩聲 The crowd's cheers 漸漸變虛妄 Gradually become illusions 追光不必有理由 Chasing light needs no reason 天空向我回答 The sky answers me [Chorus 2] 我明白 我明白 I know, I know 黎明前的光芒最依賴 Predawn light's the purest glow 把月光編成繩的姿態 Weaving moonlight into ropes to throw 答案發燙聲入海 Answers sizzle where oceans flow 我明白 也明白 I know, yes I know 也許花開後更精彩 Blooms after frost may fiercer grow 燃燒了你我不用愛 Burning us clean, no love required 耀眼光芒的痛快 Blinding radiance, soul rewired [hook] 啦~~啦~~~~啦~~~啦~~~啦~~啦 La~~la~~~~~la~~~~la~~~la~~~la [Chorus 3] 我明白 也明白 I know, yes I know 傷疤裏住著不滅的愛 Scars cradle undying love's embryo 與你穿越了迷牆 Through labyrinth walls we pierce 夢碎重醒~~~過來 Dreams shatter...then breathe anew 與你穿越了迷牆 Through labyrinth walls we pierce 夢碎重新~~~再來 Dreams shatter...rebirth in view [Fade Out]