[verse] The word of the day for July 26th is Sprout More flowers, then? [break] [chorus][chant]Be the Sprout! Fight the Fork! Peas for Glory! Sprouting Talk! [verse] I started this game with the idea of a rolling Brussels Sprout in my head, so that's exactly what I ended up making. Trying to decide what to do with the Sprout, [break] [chorus][chant]Be the Sprout! Fight the Fork! Peas for Glory! Sprouting Talk! [verse] Would it roll around the garden, protecting the lettuce from slugs? Would it be the sole survivor of an unexpected snowfall? Perhaps it would have to roll around the plate, collecting as much Dinner as it could, before getting eaten!? [bridge] In the end, it turned into a Space Invaders clone, with peas and forks. [outro] Because... of course it would! [chant] Grab peas, fling them at forks, rinse and repeat until dead. [chorus][chant]Be the Sprout! Fight the Fork! Peas for Glory! Sprouting Talk!