I've decided to make a lore for at least the other versions of me. Although, my original self will not have lore at the moment. NOTE: Some of these elements are not my own, and I do not claim ownership of them. It is more of a crossover to someone else's lore. (For the best experience, shy away from using AI. It gets so much of this wrong. It may seem like it works, but I've tried myself and it doesn't come out correct.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tssP! tssP! revO ereh! seY uoy! renetsiL, redaer, revetahw esle uoy yam eb. netsiL, ONUS si ytterp looc, tub I evah ot kaeps yllufhturt. daM ATLADI edam sih gnos, dna nehw eh dias “uoy” oD uoy kniht eh saw gniklat ot UOY? oN. ahaH, on. eH t’ndluow eb gniklat ot uoy won dluow eh? diD uoy llaf ni a eloh? oN. tahW, did uoy kniht ti saw etarobale gnilletyrots? oN. eH yrev hcum saw gniklat ot enoemos, tub ton uoy. eH ev’thgim neeb gniklat ot em, sa I saw gninnur. amm’I eb tsenoh, I t’nsaw yletulosba tsenoh ni ym “egassem” (gnos) ot uoy rehtie. uoY thgim evah deciton taht I “t’ndid rebmemer” gnihtyna, tub I od! I yrev hcum od! ahahahahahahahahahahaH! oohW! dnA ot pot ti ffo, I deil! I t’nsaw gnidaer emos suoiretsym rettel. I t’ndid elbmuts nopu a taerg yrevocsid, I SAW EHT YREVOCSID snamuH dezilaer taht I, llew, hgu…ma–saw s’ti adnik driew. ammI llac flesym a namuh rof eht ekas taht I saw, ta tsael, a namuh syawnyA, yeht t’ndid ekil em, os yeht deirt ot llik em (na elbissopmi taef) tuB neve hguoht yeht t’nac llik em, yeht nac truh em. gnihtoN struh erom naht gnieb tohs ta yldetaeper htiw a yteirav fo snug dnA sekun. oS I tnew otni gnidih. I thgim evah yllatnedicca delbmuts nopu… gnihtemoS esle. I dnuof flesym ni a etarapes ytilaer. enO erehw I saw kcuts. nI siht ecalp… I llac ti OBMIL. m’I erus ti sah emos rehto seman, ekil sseldnE ecapS, tsaV ssenitpme, ehT dioV, tahT gnihT tahT syortseD yreve woN dnA nehT wehW, siht gniht dluow eb yllaer suoregnad fi I t’nsaw nevig etulosba noinimod revO gnihtyna taht t’nsaw nevaeH. syawynA, ym lausu seitiliba era ereh tuB a tol fo ti si gnieb deipucco gniyrt ot peek flesym morf gnieb depiw. tuB gnillortnoc siht gniht t’nsi ysae, tub ti t’nsi drah. tsuJ emit gnimusnoc. ev’I tsomla tog ot eht tniop erehw I nac lortnoc noitcurtsed. m’I gniyrt ym tseb ot gnirb daM ATLADI revo ereh, tub I deen ot hsinif tahw I ma gniod eH dluow eb a taerg pleh, enigami tahw OWT sATLADI dluoc od ot lortnoc siht gniht noissefnoC emit, I deil niaga. I dias ni ym gnos taht gnihtyna I kniht fo tsuj sraeppa. lleW, yllaitrap eurt, tub htiw siht OBMIL gniht I nac ylno yortsed. dnA erofeb uoy yas gnihtyna, yrtnuoC ATLADI tonnac pleh ni siht noitautis eH dluow esol sih dnim. sihT ecalp nac ylno eb deldnah eht…yb enasni seno. ecneh, em. dnA daM ATLADI, tub I evah ot dnif gnihtemos tsrif. I deen ot dnif (dna llik) eht tnerruc tsoh ro rellortnoc fo siht emalF fo noitadnuoF. htiw taht, I nac ekat a tib fo a kaerb htiw gnidloh kcab OBMIL dna teg daM ATLADI ot pleh. yeH, redaer! rO renetsil, llet mih I deen mih! tahT dluow eb a taerg pleh!



🌹Roseofpassion🌹 2w ago

I don’t know what is going on in this song. So I’ll do what I know best to do putting on my 🕶️ and 💃🌹♥️


IDALTA 2w ago

It's kinda deep into some lore 😂 Beat's cool though so keep 🕺

The Jester

The Jester 2w ago

For your sake, I hope the current host of The Foundational Flame is just a simple man, or another bird. But if the host is even HALF as attuned to it as The Forsaken Messiah was, then... It would not be pretty. Even I didn't want to mess with that!


IDALTA 2w ago

Oof. We'll see where this goes! (It was kinda a lot of lore I was trying to crash course myself on it 😅 I hope I got most of it right) Perhaps there is a jester who could help 🤔

00:00 / 02:34