Dreamer frog. And what about me? I'm a frog who hops my top my game. desire and design. My heart grows strong with the art that flows. Let it happen Leave leads and Reads seeds that read. I'm a frog in the bog land and I. take up. my wristband. I wrap my scarf, take my staph and stick, take a snap at me. A blizzard in the Bush, a lizard. bash and slash. and slash. I strap my stick. Don't touch me I fling my stick at you. I'm a dreamer frog who hops. A hip and I hop be popped it. I line my pockets with the deep silver lining. stitch. gold thread on my Flax jacket. Dish out that stitch. that stitch paper. like a paper. Drop a cache. I wrap it up in a buck. I give it to all the poor. I rob it for the Robin Hood. Take it up and give it to all. Even the artists and the dreamers who I love. Dreamer frog protects the great land. She's great in her own way. My name is toe I'm a great frog Let's spin it up and take it up. My bog got dry, but I got to find a new bug to find. Let it trickle. Let it slang Let it drip and slip on the frog and the great bog My hands are flexing with the great. I see a crown in the tree watching me a lizard lining away. What a type the Lizard innovator type. away on keyboard. I guess I'll meet him down the road under the bridge, finding. him was the greatest thing for me. I sing an ancient song. I'm a dream of frog. Listen in close. When the night starts to twinkle, you find that. a soft belief covering you over. That leaf keeps you company all night long. They start to lift and hover and drift away in the deep trance of sleep. He dives deeper into that trends of sleep Bugs whirling around your head with your web feet wept like dreams. It's a true note to who I am. I'm the dreamer frog. I write in my dream. My hands are blurred. My dreams is like a ripple. I fade in and out. Dream my frog dreamer, Frog Dreamer Frog Dreamer Frog. My team dream. the spirit striker's they unfold with the beginning of the water Open and up and let it pour over. My heart blossoms with each and every touch along that line. That is it I'm dream of frog I walk out.