The room is spinning the ceiling is melting Golden silk petals fall fall fall Guests in a circle they move without speaking Hands in the air they call call call At the lantern ball at the lantern ball We drink from the light we drink from the stars At the lantern ball at the lantern ball The staircase unravels and climbs to the sky And the floor moves along with the rhythm of time The rhythm of time the rhythm of time A lady in dresses all woven from music Offers a tray full of candied white stars A man made of sugar just winks as he vanishes Leaving behind only whispers, whispers At the lantern ball at the lantern ball We drink from the light we drink from the stars At the lantern ball at the lantern ball The staircase unravels and climbs to the sky And the floor moves along with the rhythm of time The rhythm of time the rhythm of time The wind is singing a violin hidden in branches A cat takes my hand leads me up up up To where the moon melts in a sip of silver Silver silver The room is spinning the curtain is closing But the music still hums in the weight of our steps It never really ends does it