[Intro] [Verse] Mom, you told me to flee, to run away. From that darkness that began to consume me. You saw pain; you read it in my eyes. But I didn't believe your words. Relationships – a gilded cage, Inside lies only deceit, cheating, worse and worse. You said, β€œHe breaks you, daughter, In this game, you’ll lose. Run away.” And I cried, β€œLove will conquer all. My boyfriend is an angel; my heart will forgive everything.” But the angel came with angry wings. Sweet words are poison burning at night. Escape from these relationships is a counsel, a covenant. But I've drowned, as if in the sea, for many years. Mom, forgive me for only listening to myself. I am paying the price; I am executing the consequences. I know you were right then. Love is not blind, but sometimes we choose to be. We close our eyes to deceit. We run away from the truth, we delve into delusion. To run, to run, now I understand. I repeat your words in my head. You told me to flee. But to escape where? You cannot escape yourself. All this poison within me; you cannot hide this pain. Stains on the heart – memories of the past, As he believed, his eyes were blind. I searched for the guilty, and I cursed the whole world. Until I realized that I was my own enemy, a slave to him. I raised him to a pedestal, forgetting myself. I lost my compass, strayed from the path of love. Every breath is like a reminder That choice was mine; my suffering. But through the pen of pain, light passes, An opportunity to start again, to promise myself anew. I promise to live for myself, to cherish every moment. To not repeat mistakes, to hear the cry of my heart. Mom told me to run, and I was running. But not from pain, but towards myself, to the shore. On the shore of new life, where I am the captain, Where storms do not break me, but only strengthen my resolve. Where love is not a cage, but a flight with two. With those who see a man in you, not an idol.

Cover image for Mom
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