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January 31, 2025 at 11:53 AMv4

Endless chains of logic are not easy, may give you cognitive indigestion and even make your stomach queasy, Until it hits you like a thunder clap, With an awesome sense of wonder, That if nothing comes from nothing, Then something always is, And thinking of beginnings, Will only drive you loopy. Then you pack your bag, and depart your premises, quickly and head down to the railway station, quietly, and descending to the platform of contrition, board the train of thought, to somewhere in forever. Nothing comes from nothing, something always is, and thinking of beginnings, will only drive you loopy. Leave the barbecue of despair on the trackless shore of hopelessness, and board the train of thought, to somewhere in forever, where flowers of hope adorn a rising slope to an endless view of somewhere in forever. Nothing comes from nothing, something always is, somewhere in forever.