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January 1, 2025 at 12:02 PM
Remaster of

[Dedicated to my beautiful Hannah] [lyrics by Andrew Buller, tune by - created in Canterbury, Kent - 28/12/24] o Hannah (o Hannah) o Hannah (o Hannah) open take a look see what's written within your book (within your book) [short instrumental] [spoken] when I was a little boy alone I dreamt of finding someone to love I never dreamt it could be this precious this perfect and that I'd enter into the pages of such a beautiful love story [short instrumental] the Book of Hannah (the Book of Hannah) you are writing we are writing the Book of Hannah together uniting with the loveliest words for the loveliest girl that rights and ignites our hurting world [short instrumental] it's a book of golden leaf written with golden fountain pen flowing curves of kindest words pages so adoring, so expectant, so open stitched with finest, silken lace infused with gentleness and grace covered with embroided butterflies symbols of overcoming, gloriously expansive lives the words sing from every page of joy, kindness, faithfulness gentleness, sweetness courage, determination perseverance, beauty, gratitude thoughtfulness, empathy love, love, love [short instrumental] the Book of Hannah (the Book of Hannah) you are writing we are writing the Book of Hannah together uniting with the loveliest words for the loveliest girl that rights and ignites our hurting world [short instrumental] in the beginning was the word and God continues to write His love story into your every word read it breathe it and believe it my darling there is so much love and reassurance in every page you inspire so many and bless every age your name mirrors so perfectly just like these pages your kindness your heart your smile [short instrumental] the Book of Hannah (the Book of Hannah) you are writing we are writing the Book of Hannah together uniting with the loveliest words for the loveliest girl that rights and ignites our hurting world [short instrumental] so many have longed to contribute to the gratitude within these pages for the beautiful ways you have touched and enriched their lives o let's open to today's page and write of you write with you read on lead on my lover my inspiration my Hannah my Hannah