The CFR aims for world domination They have links to the Socialist Fabian Society The Fabians motto is a wolf in sheep clothing These elites like Edward Mandell House want a one world government Mandell House wrote Phillip Dru - Administrator a story of tomorrow David Rockefeller admitted he is guilty of wanting a one world government Former Fabians include Tony Blair, a 33 degree Freemason as was Disney The head of the European union is also a Fabian George Orwell was a Fabian too, he wrote 1984 Huxley another Fabian, wrote Brave New World Trump was not a CFR member, but Biden was Biden's son got a top job in the Ukraine Blackrock got lots of land dirt cheap after War Widows sold it off During Covid all countries worked in Lockstep, following the same script Now they push climate change but never admit to weather modification techniques Operation Lockstep was a Military operation created by the Rockefellers who also created the United Nations The United Nations and the European Union are all stepping stones to a one world government Where will it be based? probably Israel - as America has been fighting wars for Israel Cecil Rhodes was a Rothchild puppet He also set up the B I A A He was on an inner round table who wanted war with Germany long before World War 1 The UK parliament never knew about this secret society