Runaway Sky Ever lose your mind, Ever let it slip? Ever taste the wind, Like a loverβs kiss? Ainβt no map to follow Let the road go on and on. Let the storm break loose, Let the thunder find you, Let the world spin fast, Let the dark remind you Ainβt no rhyme or reason, Let the night go on and on. What a ride, What a way to burn through, What a fire, What a fire to pull you through. What a ride, What a way to burn through Like a runaway sky. Only steal a breath, From the raw madness, Every step you take Dancing on the ashes. Ainβt no need for meaning, Let the wild go on and on. Every red sunrise, Every cold moonrise, Every crash, every climb, Every untamed high. Ainβt no need for reason, Let it all go on and on. What a ride, What a way to burn through, What a fire, What a fire to pull you through. What a ride, What a way to burn through Like a runaway sky. Da-da-da, Da-da-da-da-da-da, Ainβt no chains, Ainβt no time to hold you down. Da-da-da, Da-da-da-da-da-da, What a ride, What a way to burn through Like a runaway sky. M-TM