ボーナストラック 先日書いた曲の歌詞を別の Music style で試行していたらたまたま初音ミクの声で歌っていたので。 Bonus track: I was trying out the lyrics of a song I wrote the other day in a different music style, and by chance I ended up singing it in Hatsune Miku's voice. [Verse] Hey, are you all listening? The noise of this city Where are you going in the crowd? [Verse 2] Hey, are you all listening? The blue sky I look up at My wish is to ride the wind and go anywhere [Chorus] My heartbeat won't stop I won't forget the scenery I saw with you I want to grab that light once more Let's go anywhere together [Verse 3] Hey, are you all listening? This second What kind of road is there beyond that? [Verse 4] Hey, are you all listening? If you keep walking Just jump into a new world [Chorus] My heartbeat won't stop I won't forget the scenery I saw with you I want to grab that light once more To the far reaches of the distance [Outro] Hey, are you all listening? Let's paint a new future Because the end is a new beginning I'll engrave this moment in my heart [Verse] ねぇ みんな聞いてる? この街のざわめき 人混みにまぎれてどこへ行くの? [Verse 2] ねぇ みんな聞いてる? 見上げた空の青 僕の願いは風に乗ってどこまでも [Chorus] 走り出す鼓動が止まらないよね 君と見たあの景色忘れない もう一度あの光掴みたくてさ どこまでも一緒に行こう [Verse 3] ねぇ みんな聞いてる? 今のこの1秒 その先にはどんな道がある? [Verse 4] ねぇ みんな聞いてる? 歩き続けるなら 新しい世界へ飛び込むだけさ [Chorus] 走り出す鼓動が止まらないよね 君と見たあの景色忘れない もう一度あの光掴みたくてさ どこまでも遥か彼方へ [Outro] ねぇみんな聞いてる? 新たな未来描こう 終わりは新たな始まりだから この瞬間を胸に刻んで