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July 18, 2024 at 10:46 AMv3.5

Down by the Jordan's flowing stream, A voice cried out, "Prepare the way," John the Baptist, with faith so keen, Baptized the Lord that holy day. He called His twelve from shore and sea, "Follow me, and you will find, The kingdom's near, salvation's key, A love that redeems all mankind." Walk with me, in faith and grace, See the light in every face, Hear the words of truth divine, In His love, we'll ever shine. He spoke of seeds and mustard trees, Of pearls and nets cast wide, He taught of love and enemies, Of prayers that reach the sky. The lost are found, the blind will see, The meek will wear a crown, In every heart, His legacy, A love that won't back down. Walk with me, in faith and grace, See the light in every face, Hear the words of truth divine, In His love, we'll ever shine. Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven, Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted and forgiven. Walk with me, in faith and grace, See the light in every face, Hear the words of truth divine, In His love, we'll ever shine. On the mount, He spoke so clear, Of mercy, peace, and love sincere, "Walk with me, and you'll find rest, In my teachings, you are blessed."