|verse] My little lamb, You’ve been crying again I understand You’re nerves are wearing thin [verse] & it hurts! (I feel it too!) When…everything’s raw! & cold! & dark! Abrasive as the world is, (Ooh) Invasive as the world is, (ho, no, no, nooo! Baby, babé, babe!) I am there with you!…I AM! [verse] No need to expla-in I’ve been feeling your pain From the moment you fell It’s been like hell They just walk right…over you & what can you do? [breakdown] Oooh…ohhh…Mmmm-child Just… [verse] Just…reach! Reach for me… Into the air I’ve always been the-re Reaching down for you!..You!…YO-U! Oooh, I AM! Ooh! [verse] Dry your eyes, love It’s time to get back up You’ll survive this And so much worse… Let me fill your cup & quench your thirst [verse] It’s been such a long time That you’ve felt alone Share with me your pains I AM…your stone! Show me the stains We can wash off the grime! (Wooaah, ohhohoh, ooooh!) [verse] I’ve walked for miles…& miles In your worn out shoes Your pain…is mine Every cut & every bruise [crescendo] OoooOoooOooh! WWOOOAAAHHH! MY CHILD! Oh! Ohh! YEAAAAHHHH! Babe! I BORE A CRO-SS! & WHEN I STUMBLED, you were there…to share IN THE LO-AD! and when they… FIXED ME UPON IT! I…never felt so lost… & MY MO-THER CRI-ED! WHEN THEY PIERCED MY SIDE! Knowing not what had been do-ne… Father stayed silent…His love now bestowed [verse] When you’re ready, so am I There’s still a long, long, way to go Just know you’re never lo-st The whole way I am with you To help you lift your cro-ss You’re never alone My child, I love yo-u… You’re… Never… A-lo-ne!

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