(Chorus) Nobody really knows your pain, nobody really knows your pain. (echo pain) They claim they been there but it's not the same. So don't assume you know my shame Where do we go when we die, is heaven a lie. Or the truth that's seldom heard in the streets if so why? Hate to see my mother cry when good kids lye. In a pool of blood from strays that missed their targets when they passing by. See fashion fly thugs up in the hood sipping on yack. Pulling loot from crack sales and stolen goods in fact. I can't wash my hands clean cause I was dirty for years. Things I've done and I've seen have got me fighting these tears. But no, I'm not crying for myself. I'm crying for the poverty stricken ghetto children without no wealth. Kids left fending for self roll models thugs, criminals. Drugs subliminal message finds each individual. And how each child will take it, will determine in life. If he's gonna make it love it or hate it it ain't right. But see that's the type of world that we're in. We flow with the breeze like we're just dust in the wind. Nobody really knows your pain, nobody really knows your pain. (echo pain) They claim they been there but it's not the same. So don't assume you know my shame Nobody really knows your pain, nobody really knows your pain. (echo pain) They claim they been there but it's not the same. So don't assume you know my shame Fatherless child, angry boy grows too an angry man. From seeing his mom abused at the hands of different men. Hurt and confused hides under his sheets at night can't sleep. Tells his mom you need to find a man to treat you right. But she tells him mind his own, or you'll be out alone. In these streets to roam you're not even grown, but you'll be out this home. Neglected child never respected never smiles. He had no love, but found it with thugs in the street so now. He's running in the wrong spots till things got hot. The cops ran a sweep while he was out strapped on the block. Didn't want to get locked, so he reached for his Glock. Before his finger hit the trigger cops let out shots. His body just dropped, pool of blood, face in the dirt. With his eyes wide before he died released was his hurt. I finally seen him smile, somehow with his last breath. He said now, maybe I can find love and true happiness. Nobody really knows your pain, nobody really knows your pain. (echo pain) They claim they been there but it's not the same. So don't assume you know my shame Nobody really knows your pain, nobody really knows your pain. (echo pain) Nobody really knows your pain, nobody really knows your pain. (echo pain) They claim they been there but it's not the same. So don't assume you know my shame Daddy's, little girl 16, looked like her mother. Shes so sweet so cute, man everyone loved her. Never got in trouble virtuous, and kept straight A's. She had dreams of being prom queen one of these days. She had drive and ambition, her future looked bright. Never drank or did drugs straight lived life rig