[English below] [start] #section: verse1 月明かりのステージ 静寂の海に溶け込む 本当の私を 感じて欲しいから #section: pre-chorus1 孤独な夜に輝く 一輪の蕾は 不安を勇気に変えて 未来を照らす光になる #section: chorus1 Blue Roses 貴方の心は 闇夜に浮かぶ満月のように 影を照らしてくれる それは真実を映し 私は夢を奏でるの この旋律に乗せて 夜空に舞う星が 咲き誇れるように #section: verse2 目に映る現実の中で 雑音が増えていくけれど 大切な音色を 見失わないように #section: pre-chorus2 孤独な夜を振り払う 凛と佇む姿は 漆黒のドレスを纏い 星達と踊り続ける #section: chorus2 Blue Roses 貴方の姿は 闇夜に浮かぶ星座のように 道を示してくれる それは信頼となって 私は夢を伝えるの この旋律は永遠に 変わらない想いを繋ぐ 物語のように #section: bridge 青き薔薇達よ 私に力を与えておくれ 目を閉じて浮かぶ願いが 未来の夜明けを照らす 希望となりますように #section: final-chorus Blue Roses 貴方の命は 闇夜に広がる朝日のように 新しい時を告げる いつか現実となって 私は夢を叶えるの この旋律を超えて 終わらない私達の 新たな未来へと #section: outro ああ、青き薔薇達よ 聞こえていますか? 星達の感謝の声が 永遠に響いています [End] ⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱ #section: verse1 On this moonlit stage Melting into the sea of silence Because I want you To feel the real me #section: pre-chorus1 Shining in the lonely night A single bud Transforms anxiety into courage Becomes the light that illuminates the future #section: chorus1 Blue Roses, your heart is Like the full moon floating in the dark night Illuminating the shadows A mirror of the truth I play my dreams Along with this melody So the stars that dance in the night sky Can bloom in glory #section: verse2 In this reality reflected in my eyes Though the noise keeps growing So I won't lose sight Of the precious melody #section: pre-chorus2 Casting away the lonely night A figure standing dignified Wearing a jet-black dress Keeps dancing with the stars #section: chorus2 Blue Roses, your form is Like a constellation floating in the dark night Showing me the way Becoming trust I convey my dreams This melody, forever Links unchanging feelings, like a tale #section: bridge O blue roses Please give me strength May the wishes drifting in my closed eyes Illuminate the dawn of the future Become hope #section: final-chorus Blue Roses, your life is Like the morning sun spreading across the dark night Announcing a new dawn Someday becoming reality I will make my dreams come true Through this melody Our never-ending journey To a new tomorrow #section: outro Ah, O blue roses Can you hear it? The voices of the stars, filled with gratitude, Echo eternally