👾 Finding You Among the Galaxy 👾 ----------------------------------🌌 遥かな時を越えて 幾千の星を巡り 君の面影を探してた 心の奥に残る光 ----------------------------------🛸 Across the endless flow of time, Wandering through thousands of stars, I kept searching for your image, A light that lingers deep in my heart. ----------------------------------🪐 どんなに遠くても どんなに暗くても 君の声が僕を導く 銀河の果てでも ----------------------------------🪐 No matter how far, No matter how dark, Your voice will always guide me, Even to the edge of the galaxy. ----------------------------------🪐 抱きしめたい もう一度 この手を伸ばして 君の温もり感じるまで どこまでも探し続けるよ 銀河の中で見つけた君 ----------------------------------🪐 I want to hold you once again, Reaching out my hands, Until I can feel your warmth, I’ll keep searching no matter where, For you, the one I found among the stars. ----------------------------------🪐 流れる時の狭間 交わした約束の声 消えない想いを抱きしめた あの日の君を忘れない ----------------------------------🪐 Between the fleeting moments of time, Echoes of promises we made, I hold onto the feelings that never fade, I’ll never forget you from that day. ----------------------------------🪐 星の瞬きの向こうに 君の笑顔が見えた たとえ夢の中でも 必ずまた出会える ----------------------------------🪐 Beyond the twinkling starlight, I caught a glimpse of your smile. Even if it’s just a dream, I know we will meet again. ----------------------------------🪐 抱きしめたい もう一度 この手を伸ばして 君の温もり感じるまで どこまでも探し続けるよ ----------------------------------🌚 I want to hold you once again, Reaching out my hands, Until I can feel your warmth, I’ll keep searching no matter where. ----------------------------------🌝 夜空に願いを込めて 君の元へと飛んでいく 銀河の中で見つけた君 もう離さないよ ----------------------------------🌏 With a wish upon the night sky, I’ll fly to where you are. For you, the one I found among the stars, I will never let you go. ----------------------------------✨ [End]