日本の民話シリーズ この曲は「耳無し芳一」のお話を紹介する為に公開しました。 民話のあらすじ:(本来は民話ではなく怪談に分類されます) 盲目の琵琶法師、芳一は琵琶の名手で、平家物語(平家と源氏の戦い、平家が負けた)の弾き語りが得意だった。ある日、武者が現れ芳一に高貴な方々に琵琶を弾く様に言う。芳一は盲目なのでよくわからぬまま、武者に連れられて七日七晩、毎夜、平家物語を披露した。貴人達(平家の高貴な身分の怨霊達)は涙し、芳一の弾き語りを褒め称えた。芳一が夜ごと出かけるのを不審に思った住職は、芳一が怨霊に魅入られている事に気づき、芳一の全身に経文を書いた。芳一の姿は怨霊である武者には見えなくなり、琵琶の音と経文を書き忘れた耳だけが怨霊に届いた。怨霊は芳一がやってきた証拠として、芳一の耳を引きちぎった...というお話しです。 信仰との関係: この民話を理解するには日本古来の「怨霊信仰」への理解も必要になります。簡単に述べると「怨霊」は非業の死を遂げた霊です。人に厄を与えるので、それを鎮めるために「御霊」として祀り、神格化する事で鎮護の加護を賜るという信仰です。1200年以上たった今でもこの精神は日本人の中に残っています。 歌詞の解説: 民話のあらすじを、そのまま英語で書いて歌詞にしました。民話では芳一の聴力は失われていないのですが、私は悲劇は悲劇のまま終わるのが好みなので最後だけ聴力も失った事にしています。 プロンプト: SUNOは日本的なサイコホラーの雰囲気を作り出すのが非常に難しく、一度も成功してません。今回はもうSUNOのランダム性にかけて祈りながら生成しました。ちなみに「psycho-eerie」を「psycho-horror」にすだけでhorrorcoreになります。 https://suno.com/song/90ea5f86-e82b-48fb-96e1-f22a84c54ebf 読んでくれてありがとう😊 --- English --- Japanese Folk Tales Series This song was released to introduce the story of "Mimi-nashi Hoichi". Folktale Synopsis: (It is actually classified as a ghost story, not a folktale) Houichi, a blind biwa priest, was a master of the biwa and was good at playing and singing the Tale of the Heike (a battle between the Heike and the Genji, in which the Heike lost). One day, a warrior appeared and told Houichi to play the biwa for nobles. Houichi was blind, so he didn't really understand, but he was taken by the warrior and performed the Tale of the Heike every night for seven days and seven nights. The nobles (the vengeful spirits of the noble Heike) were moved to tears and praised Houichi's playing and singing. The head priest, suspicious of Houichi's nightly outings, realized that Houichi was possessed by vengeful spirits and wrote sutras on Houichi's whole body. Hoichi's figure disappeared from the vengeful spirit of the warrior, but only the sound of the biwa and his ear, which had forgotten to write the sutra, reached the vengeful spirit. The vengeful spirit tore off Hoichi's ear as proof of Hoichi's presence... That's the story. Relationship to faith: To understand this folktale, it is also necessary to understand the ancient Japanese belief in vengeful spirits. Simply put, a vengeful spirit is a spirit that died an untimely death. Since vengeful spirits bring misfortune to people, the belief is that they are worshiped as "sacred spirits" and deified to appease them and receive divine protection. Even now, more than 1200 years later, this spirit remains among the Japanese people. Lyrics explanation: I wrote the storyline of the folktale in English and made it into lyrics. In the folktale, Hoichi does not lose his hearing, but I prefer tragedies to end as tragedies, so I made him lose his hearing at the end. Prompt: SUNO is very difficult to create a Japanese style psycho-horror atmosphere, and I have never succeeded. This time, I generated it while praying for the randomness of SUNO. By the way, just change "psycho-eerie" to "psycho-horror" and it becomes horrorcore. https://suno.com/song/90ea5f86-e82b-48fb-96e1-f22a84c54ebf Thank you for reading😊 --- Lyrics --- [Japanese psycho-eerie music kick-in] [Vocalise choir - [Japanese ghosts are said to be jealous atmosphere]] Blind Biwa Player, Prayer Biwa Blink Hoichi, Samurai calling Hoichi HoHoHo HoHoHo HoHoHoHoooo The Heike clan who died an untimely death The Genji clan who caused the untimely death HoHoHo HoHoHo HoHoHoHoooo Hoichi speaks, the Biwa sings Noble Lady, Dim Tears The Moonlit Grave, the Cry of the Biwa Seven Nights of Blind Hoichi HoHoHo HoHoHo HoHoHoHoooo Blind Biwa Player, Prayer Biwa Blink Hoichi, Samurai calling Hoichi HoHoHo HoHoHo HoHoHoHoooo The Biwa, clothed in the garments of sutras No ornaments on ears to hear the cries of regret HoHoHo HoHoHo HoHoHoHoooo Disarray of fingertips, distorted tones The samurai also becomes blind and searches for Hoichi tones Can't longer hear the Noble Lady's cries HoHoHo HoHoHo HoHoHoHoooo Blind Biwa Player, Prayer Biwa Blink Hoichi, Samurai calling Hoichi HoHoHo HoHoHo HoHoHoHoooo [Outro - [Aftertaste with overlaped lead singer and choir.]] aaa... ooooo......(ooo...) ....aa..aa..oooo..(HoichiI can't see...) .......aaaaa..aa...(ooo...) ...........aaaa........(HoichiI can't hear...)