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February 6, 2025 at 12:36 PMv4

On September the 11th The Bolshevick Broadcasting Company said World Trade Centre number 7 had fell The Solomon building was still standing behind the reporter for another 20 minutes How can 2 planes bring 3 towers down Where did the gold go under WTC7 A so called plane hit the pentagon It wiped out the team Investigating the missing billions of dollars Silverstein never turned up that day Others too tipped off on Apps How come the dancing Israelis said We were here to film the event Then flown home yet urban moving systems Had image of twin towers on van And explosive residue inside How come project Jelly tin Allowed Israeli art students into the tower Why did they have fuse boxes and wire cutters On the BBC HEAD QUARTERS in London is a sculpture A Naked man and a young boy Created by man who raped his daughters and family dog In UK you need a tv licence to watch lithe tv Yet all money goes to the bbc Who also make money off video sales Yet Bill Gates funded the bbc to push vaccines Do you need an egg licence if you don't buy eggs Now Labour Government considering Making you need a tv licence to watch streaming media.