[F Major][120BPM][Electro swing ][soft dark vocaloid] [Intro][F△7 - D♭△7 - B♭m7 - E♭7] [Solo:low music box] [Pause] [Verse 1][dark] [Chords D5add9 - B♭5add9 - A♭5add9 - F5add9][modern] red basting thread パッチワーク (patchy patchy) ぱっちりお目目で Make up!んーバッチリね(OK) しつけ糸ではりつけにする Red basting thread Patchwork (patchy patchy) Wide open eyes Makeup! Hmm, perfect (OK) Crucifix with basting thread [pre-chorus][catchy] あぁただきみのこと 思ってるだけなのぉー かがりぬいさせて ほしいだけなのぉー Oh, I can't stop thinking about you I just want to sew about you [Chorus][dynamic][cute] [Chords Am7 - Dm7/A - Gm7 - C7/G][j-pop] あぁ ぬい ぬい ぬい ぬい きみをぬいぐるみにして グイ グイ グイ グイ ひとりおままごとする すいすいすいすい あまのがわおよいでね May may may may おそらくなんだけど Say say say say きみとせいはんたい はい はい はい はい わかってますから Ah, sew, sew, sew, sew, I'll make you into a stuffed animal Push, push, push, push Playing house alone Swim, swim, swim swim Swim in the Milky Way May, May, May, May Perhaps, I think Say, say, say, say The opposite of you Yes, yes, yes, yes, I know [Bridge][Rap][fast][dark] あぁぁぁぁぁぁ はじまった ハイカラなサイン さいなら ふくざつに絡まったあい⁇⁇ はつらつにさだまったmind んーカンカンカラカラ かんこどりなく部屋 んーらんらんはらはら かくしつ おいはぐケア 寂しくおもうわぁ ぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ みちみちていく きみのつくったみっくすじゅーす みちせまくとも 蜜を舐めてcool 感じさせてみて? 見てみて もっと もっともっと(more more) あぁかわいいモルモットね 濃厚なピーチティー飲もう ねえ一緒に? ねえ? Ah, it's started Goodbye, a stylish sign A complicated tangle of love? ??? ??? ??? You are lively and determined mind Hmm, clang, clang The room is empty Hmm, run, run, be nervous Conflict, concern disappears I feel lonely Aaaaaah I'm being filled The mixed juice you made Even if the road is narrow, lick the nectar and cool it Try making me feel it? , look more more more Oh, what a cute guinea pig Hey, let's drink some rich peach tea together? Hey? [Chorus][cute][dynamic] [Chords Am7 - Dm7/A - Gm7 - C7/G][j-pop] あぁくい くい くい くい くいあらためても むり むり むり むり 逃げ出せないから すり すり すり すり ゴマスリしたって もう遅いから なめ なめ なめ なめ なめたたいどで ふわ ふわ ふわ ふわ うわきしちゃうきみ くる くる くる くる さかさまにして [Chorus][Cute][Dynamic] [Chords Am7 - Dm7/A - Gm7 - C7/G][j-pop] Ah, regret, regret, regret, regret Even if you regret and change your mind, can't, can't, can't, can't You can't escape Scrape, rub, rub, rub, Even if you flatter me, it's too late Lick, lick, lick, lick, lick your disrespectful attitude Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy, fluffy You're cheating Spin, spin, spin,spin I want to turn you upside down [Breakdown] ぁぁもので釣ろうとしてる あなたのこんたんみえすいてる まだうわついてる うそついてる 本当にくいてる? ないてる? もうわたし疲れたわ そろそろリッパーを連れてくるわ グッバイ グッナイ [Breakdown] Ah…you're trying to lure my heart with things,I can see your intentions You're still feeling, you're still lying Are you really regretting it? Are you crying? I'm tired…I'll bring the ripper soon Goodbye, goodnight [Drop] あぁもうしゅうふくふかのうだから さよならさせてね もう切れた糸は繋ぎ直せないよ? もう手遅れだよ わたしまえにすすむから あなたはあなたで生きていってね [pause] 仮縫いをやめた red basting thread… [End] Oh, it's beyond repair Let me say goodbye You can't fix a broken thread anymore, can you?It's too late now.I'll move on, You can live your life as it is I stopped basting Red basting thread... [End] ______________________________________________________ 今回は運命の赤い糸と裁縫がテーマです💖 赤い糸を可視的なものだとしています🪡裁縫の関係の修復や束縛など色々なものに例えたり、愛と狂気が入り混じった曲にしてみました❤️🖤 This time the theme is the red thread of fate and sewing💖 I think of the red thread as something visible🪡I liken sewing to various things such as repairing a relationship or binding, and made it into a song that mixes love and madness❤️🖤 Rabbit_Baron