[lyrics by Andrew Buller, tune by suno.com - created in Canterbury, Kent - 18/10/24] [short instrumental] shush (shush) shush (shush) the blank canvas, can remain, blank for a while the leaves don't always have to dance the pen doesn't always have to pick up shush (shush) all the thoughts don't have to be answered all the questions don't have to find a voice to dance with or without them, is always a choice [short instrumental] shush (shush) your breath longs to whisper shush (shush) your mind longs for wisdom shush (shush) your heart longs for quietness shush (shush) life is so simple shush [short instrumental] can you come away from your phones? who says you have to reply inside ten seconds? that you have to check, yet again, for new notifications? shush (shush) the sky is ever changing for a reason there is such wisdom in the smooth transition of every season there is so much more than a sunrise to believe in [short instrumental] shush (shush) your breath longs to whisper shush (shush) your mind longs for wisdom shush (shush) your heart longs for quietness shush (shush) life is so simple shush [short instrumental] how else will you hear me speak? I am always there waiting I will never compete shush (shush) listen - listen - listen - feel the words and the letters and the sounds falling falling asleep completely at peace [short instrumental] shush (shush) your breath longs to whisper shush (shush) your mind longs for wisdom shush (shush) your heart longs for quietness shush (shush) life is so simple shush [short instrumental] come walk by the sea come walk with me come talk with me shush (shush) shush (shush) shush [short instrumental] I'm the gently lapping waves after the storm I'm the shock of light the moment you're born and I'm your realisation as to why - why - why - shush (shush) shush (shush) shush [short instrumental]