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Every word comes from the🩷. Enjoy listening!
February 21, 2025 at 8:03 AMv4

When was the last time you cried? Recently or long for a while? In the maternity wards moms do care, but don’t count on it until you wed. When was the last time you cried? Watched a movie or your friends told their stories? Tears came down, a punch on the couch didn’t help. When was the last time you stop snooping into other people’s life? So hard to tell right? —as hard as breathing through the air. Since when did the world stop spinning? The time you started day-dreaming, on a California beach. Hummingbirds were dancing and you ordered the pink drink. When was the last time you sang a song? Sang to the stars and those you truly cared. As time goes by, no one comes back. No one comes back.


R.R.S. Official

R.R.S. Official 2d ago

Love the vocal on this

Rachel’s Original

Rachel’s Original 2d ago

Thank you!

Rachel’s Original

Rachel’s Original 5w ago

Lyrics by Rachel Liu | Singing by Suno