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December 21, 2024 at 8:00 PMv4

(Hoarsely spoken with sarcasm and grit) “Ho, Ho? Oh, hell no—NOT THIS YEAR!” ____ Megan wants a pony, this she screamed and hollered. Santa’s thinking, “I bet daddy wishes mommy swallowed.” “You want a pony, kid? --- How about this bag of hay? First----, Feed it to your ego—Then, be on your way!” ___ “Ho, Ho, Hell No! That’s not the deal! These kids don’t get how Santa feels! Ho, Ho, Hell No! I’m losing my cheer. Here’s a lump of coal—better luck next year!” ____ Timmy wants a rocket, a mansion, and a pool. Santa’s grinding his teeth, “Who raised this fool?” “You want the stars, Timmy?--- Take this flashlight instead. Point it at the ceiling—and dream from your bed!” ____ “Ho, Ho, Hell No! Keep your list short. Santa’s not your personal escort! Ho, Ho, Hell No! My patience is gone. Here’s some socks, kid—put ‘em on -- and move along!” ____ Chucky wants a flame thrower—this kid’s unhinged. Santa mutters, “Man, I’m gonna get singed.” “You want to melt snowmen, --do ya? -- Here’s a can of air. Go freeze your snowballs off—‘cause I don’t care!” ____ “Santa’s on edge, he’s barely holding on. The wishlist madness has gone too far, too long. Every gift is an entitled demand, Makes Santa wanna “Trade the sleigh for a private beach-- and some sand!” ____ Susie wants to be a Tik Tok'er ---, viewed by millions. Santa rolled his eyes, --- “Oh, you’re one in a billion.” “Here’s a selfie stick;-- go ahead & knock yourself out. Keep on posting your life away kid..., While I… --- PEACE OUT!” (Louder, with crowd-chant energy) “Ho, Ho, Hell No! Santa’s done the math. This sleigh is headed straight off the path! Ho, Ho, Hell No! Find another guy. Cancel Christmas! Santa’s gonna fly… To an undisclosed location. --- see you...---BYE!!” Buh-Bye