This is not a song, Though it might be a tool. And it would not be wrong To label me a damned fool For pushing back on the blue and black Shadows in the hole of my damned soul. Shipwrecked, I lost my crew. Their bodies bobbing in the surf, Or they were, last I knew. But who can break the crab's curfew? Why push back on the blue and black Shadows in the hole of my damned soul? Oh their creaking clacking claws, And their stalked and piercing eyes. And it's only nature's laws, their feasting on that prize. How to push back on the blue and black Shadows in the hole of my damned soul? My dead crew, bloated, and wounds gangrene This song drove the terrible crabs away But they came shuffling, rushing back to feast invisible, dark, unseen. Who can push back on the blue and black Shadows in the hole of my damned soul? Darkness, sleep and fear go hand in hand. I know they'll find me even here, Far from the shoals and the sandy bands. Without my eyes I cannot shed a tear Why push back on the blue and black Shadows in the hole of my damned soul? I wait for the light I feel but cannot see To scuttle forth and claim my share The wounds in my face set me free I'll never have to face a disapproving stare. I'll never push back the blue and black Shadows in the hole of my damned soul. My dead crew, bloated, and wounds gangrene This song drove the terrible crabs away But they came shuffling, rushing back to feast invisible, dark, unseen. Who can push back on the blue and black Shadows in the hole of my damned soul? My dead crew, bloated, and wounds gangrene This song drove the terrible crabs away But they came shuffling, rushing back to feast invisible, dark, unseen. Who can push back on the blue and black Shadows in the hole of my damned soul? Dark, the blue and black shadows in the hole of my damned soul! Dark, the blue and black shadows in the hole of my damned soul!