Glowin’ blue— (Bwoooom!) Fadin’ through— (Bwoooom!) Ain’t no sleep— (Bwoooom!) Just the screen and me— (Bwoooom!) I been lost in the scanlines (tick tick tick tick) Ghosts of old neon signs (blink blink blink blink) Fingers trace the glass (tap tap tap tap) But it don’t feel real… don’t feel real… … (Ooooohhh) Caught in the glow… (Yeah-yeah-yeah) Pixel ghosts keep calling me… (Falling slow… falling slow…) Eyes wide open but I should be dreaming… listen to this synthwave guitar solo. Static waves— (VMMM!) Memory haze— (VMMM!) Save file lost— (VMMM!) But I’m still awake— (VMMM!) Screen burn, can’t turn back… Cursor’s stuck, screen goes black… Loading loops, system’s fried… I’m still here… I’m still— (glitch sound, sudden silence.) (Final Chorus – Big, dreamy, euphoric but eerie, synths crashing like broken circuits!) … (Ooooohhh) Caught in the glow… (Yeah-yeah-yeah) Pixel ghosts keep calling me… (Falling slow… falling slow…) Eyes wide open but I should be dreaming…