Lyrical Creation: ©coreone286 Musical Arrangement: ©coreone286 All Rights Reserved | Copyright ©coreone286 -------------------------------------------------------- [Verse 1] 如果鎧甲堅硬 If the armor's unbroken 就可以保護著 it shields but deafens 便沒聽見(wo-oo) those soft whimpers(wo-oo) 低聲嗚咽(wo-oo) buried in whispers(wo-oo) [Pre-Chorus] 也許在某次低頭 Maybe when you next kneel 聽到心裡的角落 the chasm within echoes 懸崖千尺 雲霄萬丈 Cliffs that scrape the sky 跌落也不是可恥的 to fall isn’t a crime [Chorus] 敢 在驚雷時沉默 Dare to mute your storm 敢 在湍急中回頭 dare to swim upstream 敢 在消隱後復活 dare to rise from ash 敢 在重生後揮一揮手 dare to wave goodbye to past [Verse 2] 一次次墜落(wo-oo) Falling again (wo-oo) 無邊無際的漩渦 into the void’s undertow 獨自咀嚼著虛弱 Chewing solitude’s marrow 撕碎光鮮的生活 shredding the masquerade 懷疑著 前行著 Doubting, marching 迷茫著 示弱著 lost in haze, baring weakness 並不是久戰的勇者 no seasoned warrior here 只是 只是 just a soul… just a soul 想把這牢籠打破 hammering its own cage clear [Bridge] 烏雲有金邊 Dark clouds rimmed with gold 卻不是每時每刻 but light’s a fleeting guest 走了很長 走了很久 Miles etched in bones 也許在某次抬頭 till one night you glance up 看到久違的星河 galaxies reclaim their throne 退卻不捨 光芒淹沒 Let the tides retreat, let stars drown 寂靜也不是懦弱的 silence isn’t coward’s ground [Chorus] 敢 在驚雷時沉默 Dare to mute your storm 敢 在湍急中回頭 dare to swim upstream 敢 在消隱後復活 dare to rise from ash 敢 在重生後揮一揮手 dare to wave goodbye to past [Pre-Chorus] 懷疑著 前行著 Doubting, marching 迷茫著 示弱著 lost in haze, baring weakness 並不是久戰的勇者 no seasoned warrior here 只是 只是 Just a spark… just a spark 給予明天的煙火 to light tomorrow’s blaze [Chorus] 敢 在驚雷時沉默 Dare to mute your storm 敢 在湍急中回頭 dare to swim upstream 敢 在消隱後復活 dare to rise from ash 敢 在重生後揮一揮手 dare to wave goodbye to past [Outro] 只是 只是 Just a spark… just a spark 給予明天的煙火 to light tomorrow’s blaze