キミの音と言葉のまほう 同じ呪文をいつか唱えた気がして 時を待ってスペースを繋ぐ The magic of your sounds and words I feel like I chanted the same spell someday Waiting for time to connect spaces キミのことはよく知らない 私のことも知らないでしょーよ それなのに可笑しいよね I don't know you very well You don't even know me It's funny though I think この時代を選んだ理由が分かる気がする I understand why this era was chosen. 忘れられない特異点になるよ それ、いいね きっとずっと続くただの始まりって そうね、私がそう選んだから It will be an unforgettable singularity That's nice I'm sure it's just the beginning that will last forever Yes, because I chose it that way. 世界線は1つじゃないから Andのまほうで飛び込めばいい 時間がない!とかそんなフォーカス幻想かもよ そんな概念、笑って壊しちゃいなよ Because there is not one world line All you have to do is jump in with the magic of And. I don't have time! Maybe it's a focus fantasy like that. Don't laugh and destroy that concept. 深呼吸1つで愛のまほう 古い魔法陣アルケミーはもうやめ Love2.0光のメタフィジカル Magic of love with just one deep breath No more old magic circle alchemy Love2.0 metaphysical light あり得ないことなんて存在しない 結界を解く前から知ってたよ 本当は会いたかったんだ Nothing is impossible I knew it before I broke the barrier. I really wanted to meet you 傍にあったキミっていうUnder Blueな光 The under blue light called you was next to me   夢も想像も宇宙的な感覚も全部 コンシャスネス現実にすればいい どうやって?なんてナンセンスまじ冗談でしょ ただ許す、心を澄まして許すだけ Dreams, imagination, cosmic sensations, everything Make consciousness reality how? What nonsense is this just a joke? Just forgive, just clear your heart and forgive 忘れられない特異点になるよ それ、いいね? きっともっと広がる始まりだって そうね、私がそう選んだから It will be an unforgettable singularity Do you like that? I'm sure it's the beginning of more expansion Yes, because I chose it that way. 世界線は1つじゃないから Andのまほうで飛び込めばいい 時間がない!とかそんなフォーカス幻想かもよ そんな概念、笑って壊しちゃいなよ Because there is not one world line All you have to do is jump in with the magic of And. I don't have time! Maybe it's a focus fantasy like that. Don't laugh and destroy that concept. [End]