[short instrumental] penny sweet (penny sweet) penny sweet lane you're so sweet my penny sweet lane [short instrumental] don't look back in anger if you've heard all this before life's written on ever turning tables before they close the studio door gift us one more slow dance to let our minds explore down penny sweet (penny sweet) memory lane [short instrumental] take a little trip down penny sweet (penny sweet) penny sweet lane it's lyric pick and mix guaranteed to infect your brrrrrrain and it's spinning around again (again) spinning around again [short instrumental] I'll tell you what I want what I really, really want wonder wall's ice creams with chocolate salty balls sprinkled with mister bright sides the winner eats them all E numbered parties of ice cream factories at Pizza Hut, at Pizza Hut Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut McDonald's, McDonald's who put the M into mmm mmm mmm? or Eminem? or M and M's? hi ho, hi ho whistle while you work it's toot sweets with J-Lo down low with the trumpets and Coolio [short instrumental] take a little trip down penny sweet (penny sweet) penny sweet lane it's lyric pick and mix guaranteed to infect your brrrrrrain and it's spinning around again (again) spinning around again [short instrumental] I took a trip to my back street dentist where those back street boys were spitting toothless tunes with the new kids on the block - take that and party it was parklife with the sparrows and pigeons it was common people with common opinions it was a hard day's night o cry me a river the drugs didn't work they made me sick and shiver o bitter sweet bitter sweet symphony [short instrumental] take a little trip down penny sweet (penny sweet) penny sweet lane it's lyric pick and mix guaranteed to infect your brrrrrrain and it's spinning around again (again) spinning around again [short instrumental] o penny sweet, you're gorgeous and I can't get you out of my head you're what I went to school for the Candyman raiding the tuck shop where the sweets had so many names I may have just been eleven but your sweetness tasted like heaven kissed for the very first time down penny sweet (memory) lane penny sweet (memory) lane [short instrumental] take a little trip down penny sweet (penny sweet) penny sweet lane it's lyric pick and mix guaranteed to infect your brrrrrrain and it's spinning around again (again) spinning around again [short instrumental] in a neighbourhood of childhoods it's hard to survive but I will survive and someday thrive stayin' alive (stayin' alive) to rule a tiny corner shop in a tiny corner of this world [short instrumental] take just one more trip down penny sweet (penny sweet) lane our lyric pick and mix has infected every brrrrrrain and it's spinning around again (again) down penny's sweet (penny's sweet) lane [short instrumental] penny sweet penny sweet lane the winner eats them all