[Verse 1]
 They told me in school, land of the free, Home of the brave, opportunity But the chains don’t break for everyone Freedom’s a song not easily sung. They build the dream, then lock the door, Say “Wait your turn,” while taking more. The stars and stripes look fine on a screen, But what do they mean? What do they mean? [Chorus] America means freedom, they proudly say,
 Unless you're black, gay, or a woman today.
 Red for the blood, white for the lies,
 Blue for the tears we cry and cry.
 America means freedom, but not for all,
 Some stand tall, while others fall. [Verse 2]
 She walks the streets, keys in her hand,
 Just praying someone will understand.
 His love’s a crime in the eyes of some,
 While others preach where the hate comes from. Skin too dark, love too loud,
 Your voice gets lost in a raging crowd.
 They sell us hope but leave us scars, How did we let it go this far? [Chorus] America means freedom, they proudly say,
 Unless you're black, gay, or a woman today.
 Red for the blood, white for the lies,
 Blue for the tears we cry and cry.
 America means freedom, but not for all,
 Some stand tall, while others fall. [Bridge] Oh, can’t you see? The cracks in the dream?
 It’s more than a fight—it’s humanity.
 But if we all rise, hand in hand,
 Maybe this freedom could finally stand. [Chorus] America means freedom, we’ll proudly say,
 For the black, the gay, and the women one day.
 Red for the love white for the light Blue for the sky when we get it right.
 America means freedom, for one and all, We’ll rise together; we won’t let them fall. [Outro] America means freedom, let it be true,
Not just for some—freedom for you.