Mac and cheeese !!! (CHEESE !!!) Cooking ... Mac and Cheese !!! (MAC !!!) A comfort food that your mouth floods, It was mine favorite dish in my childhood, (YEAH !) There are so many recipes to make you, that I decided to present mine to you, (OW OW!!!) Boil one pound of pasta and drain it ! Make the cheese sauce, it's a hit ! (Eat me!) Whisking cream and cheese and add butter, And more and more butter ... butter ! (FAT FAT!) For the cheese, don't add that plastic crap, Not the powdered cheddar, it's a trap ! (A TRAP !) Throw, in the whipped fat sauce, the Maroilles cheese ! Heat this fragrant sauce in a saucepan, ease ! (FRAGRANT !) Combine cheese sauce with cooked pasta, Transfer the mac and cheese to a baking disha, (WOW ! It stinks) Top it with more butter, Raclette, Pont l'Évêïque, Insert it completely into the bake ! (CHEESE-N-FAT !) Bake and prepare to thoroughly enjoy ! Add more cheese or butter as desired, my boy ! (FATTY BOY !!!) At least you'll know where your fat comes from, It comes from local produce, from home ! (FAT, That's LIFE !) [Break] I know the same recipe but instead of pasta, we use potatoes and instead of cheese and butter, we use carrots, celery, peas, turnips...