Copyright © Abel Wolf Thank you for listening and for the comments! ------------------------------------------------ Song in Quechua language used by the Incas. The lyrics are a bit poetic. Some of the peruvian instruments did not work, had to replace them with other common ones. ----------------------------------------------- (Charango with haunting flute, hard tribal drumming with mountain ambience) Rimaykuy, suyuq runakuna, ("Speak, people of our land") Wiraqucha quqakunan yaykunku, ("The great Wiraqucha now enters") Inti llaqtanchis sumaqpaq, ("For the beauty of our sun nation") Kay pachapiqa, atipaykuy rikuriy. ("In this world, behold our strength.") (Flute interlude with continued drumming) Achikyay, kuyay sumaq runakuna, ("Awaken, beloved people") Chay llapa tukuy hatun rikuy, ("Witness all these great visions") Qhapak ñanpi, ñawpa puriqkuna, ("On the noble path of those who came before") Mana allin ima, kasuy yuyarikuy. ("Remember to heed, avoid wrongdoing.") (Short Flute interlude) Ninan qhapariy, sinchi urqukunapi, ("Mighty calls echo in the mountains") Quri sunqunchik qaqapakuni, ("Our golden hearts resonate against the cliffs") Manchaylla wiñay kawsaykunata, ("The powerful eternal existence") Qhatinaykuspa, musquykuna suyasqa. ("Following our dreams that were long awaited.") (Short Flute interlude) Kaykunataq chay rikukuykuna, ("These are the visions before us") Pachamama llakipaq, suqta wasi, ("For Pachamama's sorrow, the six houses") Munaykuykunaqa ñawpaq kawsaypi, ("Our desires in the ancient ways of living") Tupananchisqa, ñawiykuna hayp'iy. ("Our meeting, reaching with our eyes.") Achikyay, kuyay sumaq runakuna, ("Awaken, beloved people") Chay llapa tukuy hatun rikuy, ("Witness all these great visions") Qhapak ñanpi, ñawpa puriqkuna, ("On the noble path of those who came before") Mana allin ima, kasuy yuyarikuy. ("Remember to heed, avoid wrongdoing.") (Flute Outro, tribal drums)