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November 19, 2024 at 2:11 PMv3.5

Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to be a chimp. Maybe I could have prevented 9/11 Throwing my shit, eating my shit, wrestling naked, with the homies for the hell of it. Them terrorists would have been like "Fuck that shit dawg, I sense a shit butt monkey" Then I wake up from that dream, crying, that I'm not a bum throwing shit gunning monkey with no money. I wanna sweet honey Who would rub my tummy My nose is always runny Why's my dog so fucking horny? I wish Wave was a pimp chimp who was in limp bizkit without the shit lip with one hell of a grip. Man, i'm sad. Just think for a second. What if humans were chimps, and chimps were still chimps? Gorillas would rule the world. Honestly, that sounds terrible. Everything would just smell bad. I want to play metal gear already dude. I wanna set the mood Sneaking around for food Are you ready for metal gear my dude?

00:00 / 01:22