[conversation between two people] -Hi, I have a riddle for you -yes, what kind -guess what style of music this is [ music instrumental Solo guitar rock] -I know, it's rock -Great! And this? [music instrument Solo guitar reggae] -Ska?, not Reggae? -you're right, -I wonder if you'll guess now? [music instrument Solo guitar Punk] -my favorite style is Punk -that's right, keep going [music instrument Solo guitar metal] -wow metal, but brilliantly played -Yes, it's great, -what instrument is this? [music instrument solo kalimba] -I don't know, I don't know -this is Kalimba [music instrument Solo metal] -wow metal, but brilliantly played -Yes, it's great, -what instrument is this? [music Solo kalimba] -I don't know, I don't know -this is Kalimba