[Shamisen and Dramatic Drums Intro with Growing Intensity] [Verse 1] 荒野に風が舞い、影が広がる The wind dances over the wasteland, shadows spread wide 砂塵の奥に消えた約束 A promise vanishing in the depths of swirling sand 遠く響く、その声が指す場所 A distant voice echoes, pointing me to my path 刃を握りしめ、振り向かず進む Gripping my blade tightly, I move forward without looking back [Pre-Chorus] 流れる血の色、胸に宿りし灯(ともしび) The color of flowing blood, a flame that lives in my chest 見えぬ道を照らすのは、心の決意 My heart’s resolve lights the unseen path ahead 守りたい、その笑顔 I want to protect that smile 手放せぬ誓いが今、胸に染みる The unbreakable vow now seeps deep into my heart [Chorus 1 with Swelling Orchestration] 響け、無言の叫びよ Resonate, my silent scream! 染まる刃に刻んだ誓い A vow engraved on my stained blade 罪の影を断ち切りながら Cutting through the shadows of sin 我が道を越え、未来へと駆け抜ける Surging past my path, racing towards the future 守り抜くため、この身を賭ける To protect to the end, I stake my very life [Verse 2] 夜の帳(とばり)が降り、静寂が満ちる The night’s curtain falls, silence fills the air 足音のない道、気配が忍ぶ On a path without footsteps, presences linger 幾千の戦場で見た夢を The dreams I saw in a thousand battlefields 振り切りながら、進む覚悟の刃 I push them away, moving forward with a resolute blade [Pre-Chorus with Growing Tension] 消えない記憶の焔(ほのお) The undying flame of memories 時を越えて響く、亡き友の声 The voices of fallen friends echoing through time 「守れ」という言葉に背を押され Urged on by their words, “Protect…” 無情の夜を切り裂く I tear through the merciless night [Chorus 2 with Rising Intensity] 高鳴れ、決意の刃よ Resound, blade of determination! 命の証、深く刻み Engraving proof of life deeply into my soul 失われしもの、その声と共に With the voices of the lost alongside me 闇を裂き、辿り着く場所まで Tearing through the darkness, until I reach my destination 守ると誓う、命を燃やして I swear to protect, setting my life ablaze [Bridge with Haunting Strings and Echoing Shamisen Solo] この旅路は果てしなく This journey knows no end 刃に込める信念の影 The shadow of conviction within my blade あの目に映る安らぎのため For the peace reflected in those eyes 犠牲と知りつつも、その光に向かう Though I know the cost, I head toward that light [Final Chorus with Full Ensemble, Layered Harmonies, and Climax] 荒れ果てた戦場で響け Resonate across this ravaged battlefield 命の炎、消えぬ祈り The flame of life, a prayer that will never fade 守りたい、その笑顔 I want to protect that smile この胸に、何度も誓う I vow it over and over, deep in my heart 最後の戦い、命の限り In this final battle, with all my life 滅びの影を払う、我が道を行く I walk my path, dispelling the shadow of ruin [Outro with Fading Shamisen Melody] 夜明けの影が揺れる、その瞬間まで Until the dawn’s shadows sway once more 静かに見守る、守り抜いた誓い I quietly watch over, holding true to my vow