In the shower, soap drops, hot humidity. Did my time, served my community. Used to share in camaraderie, Now I shower in solitary. Bubba, you're not behind me, never mind me—this ain't home. I miss your demeanor, that old man reamer, That big beef cheeser, that cell block bone. one day I'll see you where the sun dont shine. Bog’s diamond, lil’ sister’s rhyming, My Shawshank hymen you broke so long ago. We used to be best bunkies, snuggle buddy bunny nut pumpies— Now, I just don’t know. One day I’ll see you where the sun dont shine Wet soap, slip out my hand—if you understand. My cell block buster, Mr. Man. One day I’ll see you where the sun dont shine You said you'd get out in 53. You whispered all the things you'd do to me,I sit here waiting in misery but now it's 54. Bubba your not behind me, never mind me this aint home. did you run off with Andy? That fine young dandy that rock hound bambi, that string bean poll. Bogs diamond. One day I hope to see you where the sun dont shine