Listen up, I'll tell you a story; all about pain and all about glory. All about loss and all about gain and redemption from a hellish reign. When God made the world, he thought it good and he looked it over, as anyone would. He said, “Y'know what would really be great? I'll make a man and I'll give him a mate.” So He put 'em in the garden and He gave 'em some rules, "Do this, not that, don't act like fools" and things were great for quite a time; if it were a song, there'd be perfect rhyme. God walked with them and they knew the Lord. He cared for them, they obeyed his word, but then a serpent with a fork-ed tongue whispered in the ear of the pretty one. He said, "Don't believe, cuz that ain't so. God's holdin' you back from things you should know. There's lots of fun to be had out there, but he's got you here, actin' like a square. ...Tendin' a garden...just silly." Now Eve was thinkin' a bit too much, and having such a charming touch, it wasn't long after she partook of the pretty fruit with the pleasing look and she saw things in a different way and she gave it to Adam the very same day.... Rats! [echoes] They both were confused now, anxious and scared, and to call on God, they no longer dared. They knew they were naked, both husband and wife. The devil had ruined a beautiful life. Well, the Lord was walkin' in the garden one day and was stoppin' by just to say hey and he couldn't find 'em anywhere, so he called out loud, but they were scared...and they hid. He said, "Why you hidin' behind those trees and why you wearin' those great big leaves? You're actin’ rather sheepish, son, and when I called out, you turned and run....it ain't right…. So, wazzup?" So Adam told him about the snake that had lied to Eve and she made a mistake, and she gave to Adam the very same treat and told him, hun, I think you should eat...and he did.... Double RATZ!.... Well, the Lord wasn't happy, as you can imagine, but took animal skins and made them fashion to cover them up and remind them then of the consequences of mortal sin. He said, "In this day you'll surely die and now you'll need a sacrifice, to buy you back from Justice Death, to restore in you God-given breath. I promised you'd die in that day, but Mercy now can have it's way. Still, your seed will be at war with that devil serpent evermore. You should have listened. You should obey. But now you'll live to rue this day." Satan's plan right from the start was “Corrupt their bodies, corrupt their hearts, divide and conquer and cause them pain, so they can't return to God again. To keep them from a heavenly home, in misery to always roam. To lie and cheat and kill and steal until their conscience cannot feel.” But God had also made a plan, to save them through the Son of Man, where a God himself would pay the price for disobedience and vice. The choice is yours, if you accept, to rise in glory or to be left. It's not too late to make the choice…to listen to the Savior's voice...Yes...I did.