Tell me not, in sorrowful words, That life is but an empty dream! For the soul dies when it slumbers, And things are not what they seem. Life is real, and life is urgent, The grave is not our final call; Dust returns to dust, it’s certain, But the soul transcends it all. Not for pleasure, nor for sorrow, Do we walk this fleeting way; But to act, so every morrow Finds us stronger than today. Art is long, and time is rushing, Our brave hearts may falter, too, Still they beat, like distant drumming, Guiding us to see it through. In life’s vast and fierce arena, In its camp of light and shade, Do not march like driven cattle, Be the hero, unafraid! Trust no future, sweetly glowing, Let the dead past rest and fade; Act now, live with strength and courage, Hope above, and heart to aid. Great lives teach us and remind us, We can make our own lives great; Leaving footprints for the weary, Guiding them to conquer fate. Let us rise and keep on moving, With a heart for every fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learning both to work and wait. This song draws inspiration from Longfellow’s timeless poem “A Psalm of Life,” reinterpreting its themes for a modern audience.

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