-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This took me so long.. I Had many roads to travel. Many Directions to go. Many Options to take, Experience to learn. Most of them were a DEAD end. And I've learned a lot about them. I've also learned one crucial thing : ''Perfection Doesn't exist!'' You see : For a good reason i couldn't make this track to my perfection. Because life isn't perfect Love isn't perfect. This track isn't perfect. I'm not perfect. Outside of all of this : There will be a moment in your life where something just clicks. A feeling you can't explain, something whats not logically explainable. You just feel it!, it's like a Dejavu what you never had before. The connection instantly clicks, Natural and Spiritual. It's like you are instantly linked. Like you've known eachother for all your life. There are billions of people on this planet. But not that many people you feel this bond with. If you have found that bond, cherish it with your life. Also remember, to never get complacent. It kills even the deepest relationships. If you're ready for this kind of love, be prepared to put in the work. Now the question is : Have you found it? Enjoy!. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original song by : @exie Reference link : https://suno.com/song/89f0d4f2-3006-4dd9-94a0-5520e400a2af