If you are capable of it, please learn first aid and basic field medic practice. You never know when it can save a life. Train physically if you can. You could be the answer in a bad situation, if you are prepared. Even if you think you aren't the 'type' to learn it. Do. Here are some basics. Don't move a fallen or injured person unless they or others including yourself are in immediate danger, do not disturb their position unless you are trained to do so. Learn the heimlich maneuver. Learn how to apply tourniquet. Learn CPR. Do not pour alcohol or peroxide in wounds, that's outdated and causes injury. Do not enter danger without training, or confidence that you will help others without putting others in more danger. Do not breathe in smoke - Carry a mask with you, in case of smoke. Carry a flashlight, a small LED lamp or pocket flashlight will do. Your phone flash should be off to preserve battery. carry steel window-breaking device, they are sold anyplace. Be aware of your surroundings. Think about your surroundings, know escape routes. The world is a scary place, but you can learn to protect yourself and others, and that makes a difference. I mean it. Do what you can do, even if it's just one step at a time, it counts. You can be the answer in a bad situation if you are prepared. Let's look out for each other. Check on your friends n folks. We share this world together yknow, if we want the future to be ours.. We have to try our best. to be here for each other.