(سَاحِرَة...) (00:00) (Sāḥirah...) (Enchantress…) [Verse 1] تتحركين كالموسيقى (00:02) (Tatḥarrakīn kamūsīqā) You move like music أنتَ سرابٌ يحترق (00:04) (Anta sarābun yaḥtarq) You’re an illusion that burns قلبي يشعر بالضربة (00:07) (Qalbī yash'ūr bil-ḍarbāh) My heart feels the strike أينما وطأت قدماك الأرض (00:08) (Aynamā waṭ'at qadamak al-arḍ) Wherever your feet touch the ground [Music break] [Verse 2] ترقصين كريحٍ هوجاء (00:18) (Tarqusīn karīḥin hawjā’) You dance like the wild wind ذراعاك تجمع الأرواح (00:22) (Dhirā'āk tajma' al-arwāḥ) Your arms gathering souls تتحركين برفق كالنهر (00:24) (Tatḥarrakīn birifqin kal-nahr) Moving gently as a river وأسرع من الأفعى المميتة (00:27) (Wa asra' min al-af'ā al-mumītah) And faster than a striking cobra [Chorus] (سَاحِرَة...) (00:30) (Sāḥirah...) (Enchantress...) أنا عند قدميك / قلبي ينبض فقط من أجلك (00:31) (Ana ʿind qadamaik / Qalbī yanbuḍu faqaṭ min ajlik) I'm at your feet / My heart only beats for you قلبي لك / تاجي لك / روحي لك (00:34) (Qalbī laka / Tājī laka / Rūḥī laka) My heart is yours / My crown is yours / My soul is yours يمكن أن يحترق العالم (00:38) (Yumkin an yaḥtariq al-‘ālam) The world could burn طالما أنك تحبني (00:39) (Tālamā annaka tuḥibbunī) As long as you love me أحبني-آه-أحبني... (00:42) (Aḥibbani - Āh - Aḥibbani...) Love me - Ahh - Love me… [Bridge] أضع تاجي عند قدميك / أضع حياتي عند قدميك (00:48) (Adaa' taji 'inda qadamaik / Adaa' hayati 'inda qadamaik) I lay my crown at your feet / I lay my life at your feet [Verse 3] الراقصة ذات العيون النارية / وركاك يضربان كطبول هائجة (00:52) (Al-rāqiṣah dhāt al-‘uyūn al-nāriyah / warkāk yadribān kaṭūb hā’ijah) Dancer with the fiery eyes / your hips beat like wild drums نوركِ وناركِ تحرقني حيًا (00:58) (Nūrik wa nārik tuḥriqnī ḥayyan) Your light and fire burn me alive تَحْمِلِينَ تَاجًا خَفِيًّا يَرَاهُ الجَمِيع (01:00) (Taḥmilīna tājan khafīyyan yarāhū al-jamī') You wear an invisible crown that everyone can see [Music break] [Verse 4] رائحة شعركِ تُجنّني (01:12) (Rā'ihat sha'arak tujannīnī) The scent of your hair drives me wild أقبل رأسكِ، يديكِ، قدميكِ (01:16) (Uqabbil ra'sak, yadīk, qadamīk) I kiss your head, your hands, your feet أتركُ الممالك من أجلكِ (01:19) (Atruk al-mamālik min ajlik) I’d abandon kingdoms for you أُزيل السماء من النجوم لأضعها عند قدميك (01:20) (Uzīl al-samā’ min al-nujūm li’aḍa‘uhā ‘inda qadamaik) I’d strip the sky of stars to lay them at your feet [Chorus] قلبي لك / تاجي لك / روحي لك (01:25) (Qalbī laka / Tājī laka / Rūḥī laka) My heart is yours / My crown is yours / My soul is yours يمكن أن يحترق العالم (01:29) (Yumkin an yaḥtariq al-‘ālam) The world could burn طالما أنك تحبني (01:31) (Tālamā annaka tuḥibbunī) As long as you love me أحبني-آه-أحبني... (01:35) (Aḥibbani - Āh - Aḥibbani...) Love me - Ahh - Love me… [Break] آه، ملكة الملوك... (01:39) (Ah, malikat al-muluk...) Ah, queen of kings… ارقص من أجلي... (01:41) (Irqaṣ min ajlī...) Dance for me… (01:43) (Ahh...) (سَاحِرَة...) (01:45) (Sāḥirah...) (Enchantress…) آه، ملكة الملوك... (01:47) (Ah, malikat al-muluk...) Ah, queen of kings… (سَاحِرَة...) (01:50) (Sāḥirah...) (Enchantress…) [Music break] (سَاحِرَة...) (02:05) (Sāḥirah...) (Enchantress…) (أه - أحبني...) (02:29) (Ah - aḥibbani...) (Ah - love me...) [Music break] [Chorus] قلبي لك / تاجي لك / روحي لك (02:38) (Qalbī laka / Tājī laka / Rūḥī laka) My heart is yours / My crown is yours / My soul is yours يمكن أن يحترق العالم (02:41) (Yumkin an yaḥtariq al-‘ālam) The world could burn طالما أنك تحبني (02:44) (Tālamā annaka tuḥibbunī) As long as you love me أحبني-آه-أحبني... (02:48) (Aḥibbani - Āh - Aḥibbani...) Love me - Ahh - Love me… ملكة الملوك... (03:05) (Malikat al-muluk...) Queen of kings… ارقص من أجلي... (03:06) (Irqaṣ min ajlī...) Dance for me… [Outro] (سَاحِرَة...) (03:09) (Sāḥirah...) (Enchantress…) ملكة الملوك... (03:10) (Malikat al-muluk...) Queen of kings... (سَاحِرَة...) (03:11) (Sāḥirah...) (Enchantress…) ملكة الملوك... (03:12) (Malikat al-muluk...) Queen of kings... Notes: Song about a king who falls in love with a brilliant dancer, and a tribute to the art of "la danse du ventre," a.k.a. belly dance. There's a metal version of this song with the same title, but the back story is a plot twist. This song might have a happy ending. The metal version - probably not. ملاحظات: أغنية عن ملك يقع في حب راقصة بارعة، وهي إشادة بفن "رقصة البطن"، أو الرقص الشرقي. هناك نسخة معدنية من هذه الأغنية تحمل نفس العنوان، لكن القصة الخلفية هي تحول في الحبكة. قد تكون لهذه الأغنية نهاية سعيدة. أما النسخة المعدنية - ربما لا. There are four versions of this song because was experimenting with Suno, trying to compose an actually danceable version. These are all the versions, if just curious: هناك أربع نسخ من هذه الأغنية لأنني كنت أجري تجارب على سونو، محاولاً تأليف نسخة قابلة للرقص. هذه هي كل النسخ، إذا كنت فضوليًا: “The Dancer (Enchantress)” [Metal version] https://suno.com/song/79435daf-66a4-4167-9c36-e9dd9831985c “The Dancer (Enchantress)” [Pop version] (This track) https://suno.com/song/50862507-db2f-4649-b585-94d8a1c56df9 "Sāḥirah" ("Enchantress") [Dance version] https://suno.com/song/370f45ab-82eb-481b-9928-23a57659d365 "Sāḥirah" ("Enchantress") [Slower dance version] https://suno.com/song/f46df800-3364-43fe-bfc2-b1b584f89e41 [Related dance/music clips] * Solo (sword): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XGIRLwcw4o * Troupe (double assaya (canes)): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emTIgh7BbAs * Troupe (contemporary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DI-WnfTA34E * Fusion classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3AROl2AAxE * Dancer/drummer mutual respect: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Kaj47ZrRfqk * Improv (darbuka (drum)): https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Rx9_8Jeju8w [Drum patterns] Suno 100% needs to add more drum patterns - would've gone "bananza" with some of these for this track. Darbuka (drum) patterns: * (Top eight rhythms) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGUtiGY40SI * (Top 20 belly dance rhythms) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0geY7a3uBI * (Maksum): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG5e893sbvY * If the scholarly approach bores you, try this instead - bet you never forget how to drum/dance the Maksum (4/4 rhythm): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vy3BRUrNj9s [Zaghrouta] Not heard in this track, but if you've ever wondered what it meant: * Zaghrouta (ululation): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxr0moPYxng [Just for fun] * Pop culture: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TfXYhv_7u4M * Dabke (dance): https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fmhsiw4xiYk * Dabke acrobatics: https://www.tiktok.com/@akhamas/video/7447072735840374018 * More dabke acrobatics: https://www.tiktok.com/@pinkyhazel/video/7084410535986433286 * Drop the phone: https://www.tiktok.com/@asaladabke/video/7154486192455666949?lang=en * Darbuka (drum): https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6fmJVGPBL-o * Dance styles: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/s7tHl8FoLMY * Inflation: https://www.tiktok.com/@asaladabke/video/7328444884111641861?lang=en [Different culture (Persian), but also dance-related and just entertaining] * "Me: I'm shy." / "Also me:" https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ES-I9TrUwlQ * Changing lightbulbs: https://www.tiktok.com/@kiddchai/video/7161522703583776043 * "I can't hear you.": https://www.tiktok.com/@gibbious/video/7178912219495697706 * "If you don't want to dance - get out of the room.": https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EXnVMfcpAl4