[instrumental intro] [Vulnerable Vocals] [Spoken Word] The CFR aims for world domination They have links to the Socialist Fabian Society The Fabians motto is a wolf in sheep clothing These elites like Edward Mandell House want a one world government. Mandell House wrote Phillip Dru Administrator a story of tomorrow. David Rockefeller admitted he is guilty of wanting a one world government Former Fabians include Tony Blair, a 33 degree Freemason as was Disney The head of the European union is also a Fabian George Orwell was a Fabian too, he wrote 1984 Huxley another Fabian, wrote Brave New World [Piano Solo] [bridge] Trump was not a CFR member, but Biden was Biden's son got a top job in the Ukraine Blackrock got the land dirt cheap, After war widows sold it off, Children and organs trafficked , During Covid all countries worked in Lockstep, following the same script [Guitar solo]] Now they push climate change but never admit to weather modification techniques Operation Lockstep was a Military operation created by the Rockefellers who also created the United Nations [drum solo] The United Nations and the European Union are all stepping stones to a one world government Where will it be based? probably Israel - as America has been fighting wars for Israel Cecil Rhodes was a Rothchilds puppet He also set up the B I A A He was on an inner round table who wanted war with Germany long before World War 1 [Whisper] The UK parliament never knew about this secret society [Melodic Interlude] [solo till end] [Euphoric Build]