do not add and do not take away so what has this song got left to say? its revelation it's revelation it's rev rev rev rev revelation I can see where this is heading and it's a long and lonely lane if we're not beside our brothers who feel and share the same we're labelled as insane along that lonely lane along that lonely lane rev rev rev rev revelation motivation, syncopation incarnation, true salvation rev rev rev rev revelation head turning, head spinning revelation wakey wakey every nation wakey wakey every nation it's revelation when reading through the news I'm reading revelation I turn off all my screens I find another way I'm on my knees to pray on my knees to pray rev rev rev rev revelation motivation, syncopation incarnation, true salvation rev rev rev rev revelation head turning, head spinning revelation wakey wakey every nation wakey wakey every nation it's revelation God is not to blame he goes by another name don't rile against the one who loves you you've been deceived again this deception it repeats from Adam through to you until there's nothing left to do I have to give it all back to you surrender it all to you I can see no other way through as darkness swarms the view and the only light is you the only light is you rev rev rev rev revelation motivation, syncopation incarnation, true salvation rev rev rev rev revelation head turning, head spinning revelation wakey wakey every nation wakey wakey every nation it's revelation I want no mark of the beast I want heaven's banquet feast what is left to capture? I want out with the rapture I want no mark of the beast I want heaven's banquet feast what is left to capture? I want out with the rapture I want out with the rapture