Wouldst thou like to live deliciously? Baaa Baaa Baa a natural temptation a desireable calamity domestic danger a delectable detriment an evil nature painted with fair colors Haha hum da dede dum Haha hehe run and scream Hehe haha flee from me and fear Laugh... "You're all going to die down here." " Black Phillip, Black Phillip, A crown grows out his head. Black Phillip, Black Phillip, to nanny queen is wed. Jump to the fence post. Running in the stall. Black Phillip, Black Phillip, King of all.... I AM WHO I AM “Wouldst thou like… to wear the Devil’s skin?” A crown of thorns where sins begin, The Malleus writhes with lies inked red— Come, let the feast dine on you instead. Haha hum da dede dum Haha hehe run and scream Hehe haha flee from me and fear Laugh... "You're all going to die down here." “Wouldst thou like… to burn deliciously?” They’ll name you witch, then kneel to me. Your prayers are kindling, their faith a type of kerosene, The Black Goat grins … I’ll cut you loose. "I'm good, Lu" I smile "Ain't I such a pretty sight for a noose?" Hehe haha—flee from me and cower, Laughing… “You’ll all be ash by the hour.” The Black Goat grins… I’ll cut her in. “I’m no lamb, love— you reek of sin. The prettiest liar… strung up on evidence.” Haha hum da dede dum— Haha hum da dede dread— The Malleus shrieks, “WITCH OR WED! ”Haha hehe run, run, rot— The goat’s hooves crack each martyr’s plot. Hehe haha flee, pray tell a lie— “Tell your God to kiss the sky.” The Malleus screams, “All witches come! ”Haha hehe run, run, run— The goat’s hooves trample priest and son. Hehe haha flee, pray, lie, lie, lie go tell another one— "You’ll all be crowned when the Grove replies. ”When the sun sets its sight on blight The night will reap so we will run Black Phillip, Black Phillip— His horns eclipse the sun. Black Phillip, Black Phillip—His horns eclipse the sun Black Phillip, Black Phillip— The Malleus comes undone. Jump the fencepost, claim the stall— He crowns himself The Goat King crowns us all. I am thorn. I am bone. The Malleus breaks so my court is home." To reach a hand down to somebody they need to be beneath you" Haha hum da dede dum— No more screams, tell them now “All witches come!” After all we are so troublesome Tell them, tell them, bum dede bum Haha hehe run, run, run —The goat’s hooves trample priest and son. Hehe haha flee, go pray til the morning comes La-la-la-la lie, lie, lie go tell another one— “You’ll all be crowned when the Grove replies.” When the sun sets its sight on blight The night will reap so we will run Black Phillip, Black Phillip— His horns eclipse the sun. Black Phillip, Black Phillip— The Malleus comes undone. Jump the fencepost, claim the stall— He crowns himself The Goat King crowns us all. Hahahahahahahaha ha

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