G925 eclectic freak You know how we started out, don’t need to rehash that, Ended with whispers not a shout, least that part’s not too bad, Waited round for my girl to get on with life, Out on her own before I said goodbye, You went on, you ran the course, One two three or maybe more, All of them- everyone- ended themselves helluva run But me, another go wasn’t a given, No I just went on alone, livin’ I think the peace I had I earned, when you took that crazy turn Wasn’t anything I coulda done, you in your private hell for one You Cain’t say I didn’t try, after your brother died Not good enough, I guess, ya pushed me away and left That. I still don’t get You done left this life when you walked away An’ I ain’t goin back tuh yesterday, Cain’t ever be like it was before ‘N’ I ain’t yer plan Bee anymore Now you’ll have to pardon me, cuz woman I never did cheat, You know the names I know ‘em too the ones that were all drillin’ you, yeah, I said it. I got a list that would run me outta ink, all younger who were after me, But not once did I ever touch or entertain Even that much cuz I wore a ring. So doncha come back now tellin me you changed Cuz I ain’t stupid I ain’t insane, My life ain’t lookin ta get rearranged You done left this life when you walked away An’ I ain’t goin back tuh yesterday, Cain’t ever be like it was before ‘N’ I ain’t yer plan Bee anymore Anymore, no, no I’m not now trust is just a five letter word, But it means pain when you’re inured When you say you changed I got my doubts But I ain’t got time t’ figure it out, I think sixteen years was plenty ‘nuff now you might call that harsh, but You done left this life when you walked away An’ I ain’t goin back tuh yesterday, Cain’t ever be like it was before ‘N’ I ain’t yer plan Bee anymore And I won’t be ever again That ship sailed long ago Gonna keep on sailin