My once-lovely man returned home with white hair, We're both young of age, but he stands on the edge. Now his muscles twitch, and he chokes when he speaks, Did you know when they break a neck, you hear a snap? Broken inside, but the world won’t see, Screaming silently for what he could be! In the grey morning light, it’s still there, A fragmented soul that no one can repair. Broken inside, but he’s trying to stand, The pieces slipping through his trembling hands! Did you die at Muçon? (Wake up!) Did you die in Alemain? (Do you hear me?) Did you die in Verdun? (Can I heal you?) Did you die in Viet Nam? (Can’t you tell me?) He told me something broke inside of his head, In the grey morning light, it’s still there. Lingering on pencil marks on the wall, I guess all this love cannot hold him at home! He speaks of the dead and of embroidered stars now, Running hands across his long pale eyes now. Thunder in his hands until his boots hit the ground, Did you know when you smash a head, you hear a sound? He told me something broke inside of his head, In the grey morning light, it’s still there. Lingering on pencil marks on the wall, I guess all this love cannot hold him at home. © Wisler AI 2024