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June 23, 2024 at 3:39 AMv3.5

en en en europe SOME SHIT DONT CHANGE this page dont load nothing else to say fix this shit yo no i dont wanna accept yo request to access my personal info by directly notifying my daily browsing to inform me that no new posts arrived and next month we vibing with oh no it's I G N lemme start again i won't pretend i come here out of nowhere and with no share in the stock of the company of this here this stagnant thing that I once cared for i met friends through here lived with them who i met here even dated some introduced some to this community that once thrived yeah i dont know i'm just mostly typing words to see what the ai generator will make of we so hello its my parasocial biannual stroll through these forever mega threads that shut it down still but i guess i'm old and complaining about the same shit from i don't know way back when but it does still feel like seeing an old friend so dont take offence if i duck out a while again i'll read yo notes that you wrote when I come by my friend now and then now and then en en en europe it's a trend remember when a consequence